Index - Trident

The best igaming apps for all traffic sources rental

We have been in the market since 2020.
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Why us

Apps that live a long time

The long life of it in all sources of traffic is ensured by a detailed approach to development and a number of in-house solutions.

Smart optimization

Apps with a trained optimizer, by default (fill in immediately with optimization for the required audience). Optimization by events in any traffic source.


The convenient Telegram bot and CRM system provide fast interaction with our service (the possibility of sharing of ad accounts, tracking the status of apps, starting and customizing streams in them, API, smartlink and many other goodies)

Any type of traffic

We work according to the CPI model with any source of traffic.

Custom push notifications

A flexible system of customization and sending segmented pushes through our self-written service.

Unique slot design

Bright, aggressive? Or reserved and clean? We can do everything.

Perfect solution out of the box

Both for teams and for affiliate programs and advertisers
Register in the system – complete integration 1 time – fill the traffic.
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Bright apps design

All apps have a bright design and are checked from a technical point of view before launch.